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KATU reporter Bob Heye visits a Salem middle school to find out about a new anti bullying program. Leslie Middle School kicked off the effort with a powerful presentation by students at an assembly. The Zero program was developed in Norway and is based on three primary elements:1-prevention
Britsh TV Documentary
Norway has reduced bullying in some schools by 50 per cent. Here you can find out why Norwegians are such pioneers in tackling bullying, and explore the key features of their successful approach.Norway has a tradition of communal responsibility for its children - from the Norwegian public's compassionate response to a James Bulger-like tragedy, to the view that teachers are responsible for combating bullying.Learn more with this focus on Norway's most successful anti-bullying programmes. See the programmes in action in two schools which take a zero-tolerance stance towards bullying.
Noticia emitida por el canal latino de Estados Unidos en torno a la primera implementación de ZERO en EEUU, en particular en la Escuela Leslie Middle School
Reportaje de la Corporación de Cobre de Chile
Reportaje que muestra a las autoridades educacionales del Loa: Alcalde de Calama, al Director Provincial de ducación y otras autoridades hablando de los logors de ZERO
TVN Chile
Noticia emitida por Televisión Nacional de Chile, reportando sobre las primeras escuelas pilotos de Latinoamerica, desarrollada en la ciudad de Calama.